Location Meublés Saintes
palm palm

Une journée à l’Abbaye aux Dames, la Cité musicale de Saintes

Une journée à l’Abbaye aux Dames, la Cité musicale de Saintes
12 juin 2018

Getting away from clocks, social media, and the clutter of everyday life can be a great way to “reset” your life. There’s something about that sweet, clean, fresh air that city life doesn’t offer.

Something about waking up to a few goats outside your door and a wasp convincing you to exit your bed that gives you a great mix of pleasant feelings.

If you absolutely love getting out into nature, a vacation in the mountains is for you. Whether it’s the beach or the forest, there’s just something about it that renews a passion for life, revitalizes, and restores you inner moves.

That being said, there’s something incredibly soul sucking about not doing it nearly enough and being cooped up in a concrete jungle. Between traffic, light pollution, too many people, and work, it’s become abundantly clear that sometimes, you should do it. Leave your comfortable place.

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